11 Cat Accounts to Follow on Instagram Right Meow


Happy International Cat Day, everyone. Today on this very important holiday, we’d like to introduce a few of our favorite furry friends we LOVE to follow on Instagram. Are you ready for a bunch of laser loving, playfully pouncing, can’t-handle-so-cute purrfect kitties? We thought you’d say yes.

1. cats_of_instagram

This account features some of the cutest kitties on the internet. In fact, many of our picks make frequent appearances. Just look at these lovebirds.

From @cats7cats: “Quanto amor ❤? João e José” #catsofinstagram #twitterweek

A post shared by Cats of Instagram (@cats_of_instagram) on

2. @realgrumpycat

So grumpy. So cute.

A post shared by Grumpy Cat (@realgrumpycat) on

3. @merlinragdoll

Also grumpy. Also cute.

When you do your makeup in the dark and then see it in natural lighting #thatlipsticktho

A post shared by Merlin (@merlinragdoll) on

4. @iamlilbub

This little guy has taken over the internet… and our hearts.

5. @Hamilton_the_Hipster_Cat

Oh hello, handsome.

6. @SamhasEyebrows

Yep, and they’re real.

7. @Jupiter_the_brit_cat


8. @White_Coffee_Cat

When a cat has better eyewear than you…

Sunday afternoon with family ❤

A post shared by Coffee aka Mr. White (@white_coffee_cat) on

9. @catmantoo

This cat can ride a skateboard. Need we say more?

Me: I face planted dropping in at a skatepark. My Cat:

A post shared by Robert Dollwet (@catmantoo) on

10. @venustwofacecat

Have you ever seen such a magically gorgeous cat?


A post shared by Venus the Two Face Cat (@venustwofacecat) on

11. @smoothiethecat

Those eyes though.

50 shades of emerald.

A post shared by Smoothie the Cat (@smoothiethecat) on


Want more cats? Check out 17 Cats More Beautiful and Instagram Famous Than You11 Adorable Famous Cats on Instagram and of course Laser Cats.

The post 11 Cat Accounts to Follow on Instagram Right Meow appeared first on Nurtured Paws.