6 Reasons to Use Foam Rollers
Foam rollers have become popular in the bodybuilding and athletic community in recent years. They are a cheap, highly effective piece of equipment which,...
5 Battle Rope Exercises to Build a Stronger Core
It’s only in the past few years that battle rope training has really become mainstream. Battle rope exercises are a great full body workout—they’re...
How to Care for Your Yoga Mat
Guest post by Constance Bourg
Not all yoga mats are the same. There are many different types of material that a yoga mat can be...
5 Reasons You Should Be Weight Training
Guest post by Louise Rush
Weight training is a fitness option that many people often disregard, as it is seen as an option for bodybuilders and...
The Benefits of Yoga
Guest post by Kelly F
What is yoga?
Yoga originated in India thousands of years ago. It comes from the Sanskrit word “yuj,” which translates as unite....
Essential Workout Equipment for Home Gyms
Guest post by Wanda Marie Thibodeaux
Working out is essential to long-lasting weight loss and better health, but a membership at a gym can be...
5 Fitness Habits to Hone If You Want to Become More Physically Fit
If you want to become more physically fit, you need to hone your habits on a consistent basis to achieve your goals. From the...
5 Apps to Make Running More Fun
When you first start running, it can be many things—painful, unpleasant and booooring. One thing it definitely isn’t is fun. Luckily, there are a...
6 Fitness and Weight Loss Apps
Need a little inspiration to keep up with your 2018 health resolutions and fitness goals? Whether you’re looking to lose weight, gain weight or...
10 Instagram Accounts to Follow for Fitspiration
“It’s too early.” “It’s so cold outside of these covers.” “I’ll go tomorrow.” “I don’t want to wake the dog… Seriously though look at...