Dorm Room Must-Haves
Now that school is back in full force and students have made their way back to campus, the dorms are bustling with activity again. Whether you’re a…
18 Organizations You Can Help Fight Racial Injustice
We at NurturedPaws and Blender Networks, Inc. strongly believe black lives matter and are committed to taking action and helping to spread the word...
The Best Games for Family Game Night
Disclosure – The below contains affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission if you click on a link. We hope you like...
16 Movies to Watch to Educate Yourself About the Black Experience in America
The late, great Nina Simone once famously said in an interview, “An artist’s duty, as far as I’m concerned, is to reflect the times.”...
10 Tips to Survive the Gloomiest Time of Year
If shorter days and lack of sun seem to zap your energy and make you feel down, you’re not alone. Whether you’re just getting a touch of…
11 Fun Things to Do When You’re Bored at Home
If you’re looking to switch up your quarantine routine, keep reading for some fun things to do when you’re bored at home. Stay
14 Body-Positive IGs That Give Us LIFE
When it comes to social media, we like our feeds to be IRL-friendly. Not that we don’t love a perfectly-staged meal or gorgeous vacation...
10 Closet Decluttering Tips for Fashionistas
For fashionistas, a well-curated closet is not just a storage space; it’s a personal runway filled with endless possibilities. However, the constant influx of...
10 Fashion Instagram Accounts to Follow for Some Serious Inspo
Gone is the age of magazines when looking for the latest and greatest fashion trends. Now, we turn to Instagram. While this list of...
Online Master’s Degree
Looking to advance your education but unsure how to find the time? Consider pursuing an online master's degree. It can seamlessly fit into your lifestyle while also boosting your career, all from the comfort of your home.